Call for papers

The 2nd International Congress Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching will be developed around the following thematic axes:

The conference welcomes proposals on the following lines of inquiry:

1. Innovative pedagogies in language teaching: augmented reality; m-learning; e-learning; b-learning; teaching in virtual environments or b-learning; gamification.

2. Teaching practice in the classroom (virtual, b-learning, traditional): classroom dynamics, teacher-student interaction; assessment; knowledge and skills acquisition; methodologies.

3. Development and use of digital resources: applications; software for language learning; online teaching platforms; tools; Moocs; developing or adapting digital materials and textbooks.


Please send proposals of 250 – 300 words for papers or workshop in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or German, with name, email, affiliation and bionote (maximum 100 words) y September 15, 2021 to:

Workshops will have a duration of 45 minutes and can be in the format of open class, practical demonstration of resources and tools, creation of activities or online practices, among others. Proposals must contain a description of the objectives and topics which will be covered.

The publication of an e-book and a special issue in the Revista RE@D with a selection of the papers presented at the Conference, under a peer-review regime, is expected to be published



Deadline for submission of proposals: September 15, 2021

Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2021

Application deadline: November 1, 2021


Free compulsory registration

(with or without presentation)