Program and talks

Programa: Programa.pdf


Resumos e comunicações / Resúmenes y comunicaciones / Abstracts and talks:

Best strategies for teaching Mathematics online and offline: What can we learn from Psychological Science?

Ludmila Nunes, Association for Psychological Science, USA

Abstract: Teaching does not come without challenges and teaching online can amplify those challenges. What are the best educational strategies that improve learning both in traditional and online classrooms? With the recent preventive measures against COVID-19, many schools shut down, in-person classes were canceled, and online teaching and the challenges it brings became more widespread. Psychological science gives us some tools to work around those challenges and even capitalize on online education. How to maximize the positive effects of online education while minimizing the negative ones? The answer resides in using the learning strategies that were already identified as the strategies that maximize learning in traditional classrooms. This is, applying the learning strategies that are based on well-established psychological and pedagogical principles. We will discuss these strategies and how to apply them, especially in the field of Mathematics, which requires, in most cases, hands-on activities and the use of technology that allows presenting formulas and interactive exercises.




Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem: um caso de estudo na disciplina de Estatística Aplicada

Catarina S Nunes, J. António Moreira e Cristina Pereira Vieira, Universidade Aberta (UAb), Portugal

Abstract:Um mundo em constante mudança e o surgimento da internet abriram as portas para uma sociedade digital e em rede, na qual surgiram novos paradigmas, modelos, processos de comunicação educacional e novos cenários de aprendizagem. É nesses novos cenários que surgem as comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem. Este trabalho investiga a aquisição e o desenvolvimento de competências transversais de aprendizagem em comunidades virtuais orientadas, considerando os estudantes da unidade curricular de Estatística Aplicada do 2º ciclo na Universidade Aberta, onde é proposto um desafio acrescido aos estudantes, nomeadamente quando a indicação passa por trabalharem conceitos da área científica da matemática. Com os estudantes fora da sua área de conforto, as redes sociais e o trabalho colaborativo assumem uma relevância particular. A análise incide nas interações nos fóruns de discussão em sala de aula virtual tendo como referência o Modelo Pedagógico Virtual da Universidade Aberta e o modelo Community of Inquiry. Os resultados mostram que o design de ambientes, ancorado nesses modelos e nas comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem, pode ter efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento de competências-chave, como a comunicação, a colaboração, o espírito crítico, a criatividade e a autonomia. Contudo é necessário continuar a eliminar as barreiras no processo de ensino-aprendizagem (a distância) dos conteúdos pedagógicos da estatística e da matemática



Evaluación online de asignaturas de matemáticas en la UNED

Antonio Félix Costa González, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) , Spain
Ana M. Porto, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) , Spain

Abstract: En esta comunicación describiremos el sistema de evaluación online que se ha implementado en la UNED a causa de las circunstancias especiales ocasionadas por la pandemia. En particular se tratará de como se ha llevado a cabo la evaluación final en dos asignaturas del grado de matemáticas: Geometría Básica y Funciones de Varias Variables I. Las modalidades en las dos asignaturas ha sido distinta y se presentan los resultados en cada una de las dos asignaturas.


Feedback online con R+LaTeX+Moodle

Antonio Perez-Navarro, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain

Abstract:Los cuestionarios de Moodle han ganado popularidad, especialmente con la pandemia. Son especialmente útiles gracias a la parametrización, que Wiris permite ampliar casi sin límites. Sin embargo, un feedback adecuado es fundamental para que resulten de utilidad al estudiantado. Así, además de una herramienta de parametrización potente es imprescindible contar con un mecanismo que permita ofrecer un feedback adecuado al estudiantado.

Moodle permite escribir en LaTeX las preguntas y el feedback de los cuestionarios. El problema es cuando es necesario modificar la pregunta o, sobre todo, cuando hay que traducirla a otro idioma, como sería el caso de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Para ello a menudo hay que trabajar con XML o, incluso, volver a llevar a cabo el trabajo de introducción en el otro idioma.

Todos estos inconvenientes pueden reducirse si, en lugar de preparar las preguntas en Moodle se preparan en R. La combinación de sweave y el paquete exams de R permite parametrizar las preguntas con R a la vez que se generan con LaTeX, tanto pregunta como resolución. Esto facilita el proceso de creación y de traducción, ya que se trabaja con entornos conocidos (R y LaTeX) y con ficheros de texto, y luego se puede importar el resultado a Moodle.



Gender Bias in Statistical Learning Algorithms

Juliana Castañeda Jimenez, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain

Abstract: The debate on the gender biases present in statistical learning algorithms has been appearing frequently in the media. This paper presents a hybrid social and technical perspective by offering a more technical definition of the concept of algorithm and an analysis of the existing literature on the different perspectives under which the issue is analyzed. To illustrate the problem, a numerical example of discrimination due to data bias is presented, and a simple and effective methodology to address it is proposed. Based on the results, recommendations are proposed on how to minimize gender bias in the design and implementation of learning algorithms in decision-making processes.



Generation of Mathematics Exercises in LaTeX: sagetex & latexalpha2

José Antonio Seijas-Macias, Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain

Abstract:Carrying out exercises is a substantial part of the mathematics learning process. The new computer tools allow the personalisation of the exercises with the aim of encouraging the process of individual performance of the exercises, through processes such as the generation of different exercises by randomising the parameters or data values. Following this trend, in this paper, we present two tools that allow the generation of this type of exercises using LaTeX. First, sagetex is a package for LaTeX that allows the integration of the mathematical software Sagemath, and the second one, latexalpha2 that integrates the Mathematica Wolfram mathematical software. The availability of these two packages allows the generation in LaTeX of personalised worksheets for students, by choosing a series of randomised parameters so that the resolution of these worksheets cannot be carried out in a generalised way. The goal is to ensure that students can learn by doing the exercises as part of the mathematics learning process.



Hot Topics in Analytics: an online STEM course for the Digilab4U project

Majsa Ammouriova, IN3 – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain

Abstract: In DigiLab4U project, an online course designed for STEM is prepared. The course focuses on understanding logistics transportation problems, such as vehicle routing and team orienteering problems. It introduces heuristics to solve the problems. Students learn to identify these problems and recommend solution approaches. In addition, students implement these approaches in Python language and analyse their results.



Moodle tests with a little help from R

Maria Cristina Souto Miranda, ISCA, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Abstract: One of the least motivating parts of the teaching-learning process is evaluation. It is a task done with some periodicity and one of the aspects that teachers seek to improve. In higher education institutions, evaluation consolidates the learning process and it is an important tool that permits the accountability and certification of the results. During that process teachers aim to achieve equity, suitability, reliability, and efficiency. The preparation of different components of evaluation is one of the most time-consuming activities and so it is highly desirable to reduce the time used in that process, namely, in the preparation of written exams. All over the world, educational institutions of all degrees have adopted some mixed models of communications between the agents of the process of learning-teaching. The digital way is largely spread using suitable platforms. One of the top preferences among a great part of those institutions is Moodle. Moodle provides some tools to perform formative as well as summative evaluation. We’ve seen how Pandemic disease increased the need for the use of such tools. Recent studies show new problems raised with home evaluation tests, one of which is the easier possibility of fraud. As a response to this problem, one can increase the number of different questions presented to different students. With particularly advantages to statistics teachers (familiarized with R), the R package is a powerful tool that provides some answers to those problems: it produces questions that can be exported directly to Moodle quiz format (as well as in paper format) and it allows for random generation of parametrized questions. This way, one rapidly obtain a number of multiple questions, all of them with the same level of difficulty and related to the same topics, ready to include in the Moodle bank of questions. This paper aims to show how these tools combined with and environments may contribute to helping Statistics teacher’s activity.


Nuevas tendencias en vídeos y como aprovecharlas para enseñar matemáticas en internet

Juan Medina Molina, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain


Abstract: Muchos estudiantes usan vídeos alojados en portales como YouTube, TikTok,.. como refuerzo a la hora de trabajar la asignatura de matemáticas. Estos jóvenes no tienen ni idea si el material que están usando es adecuado en cuanto a su valor académico, y en muchos casos lo único que valoran es aprender a hacer los ejercicios perdiendo el mínimo tiempo. Todo ello lleva a que muchos estudiantes dejen de lado las explicaciones de su profesor, lo que provoca que  estos alumnos presenten unos problemas de base enormes que arrastran siempre.

Por ello, los profesores que creamos vídeos educativos debemos intentar llegar a los estudiantes con formatos que sean cercanos a ellos. Una de las últimas tendencias son los vídeos cortos, tanto en TikTok como en YouTube, vídeos cortos con una duración máxima de 1 minuto. ¿Es posible enseñar matemáticas en 1 minuto? Nosotros estamos convencidos que sí es posible, y presentaremos algunos de los vídeos que hemos ido creando que pensamos que son los más originales, y donde, por supuesto, no salimos cantando y bailando mientras explicamos.

Por otra parte, y ya pensando en estudiantes más jóvenes, los dibujos animados pueden ser un material atractivo para estos alumnos. Por ello, hace 1 año creamos el canal Yupay Learning para el aprendizaje de matemáticas mediante dibujos animados.

Muchos de los problemas que presentan nuestros estudiantes universitarios no corresponden con los nuevos contenidos, sino con una base débil. Por ello, pensamos que nuestro trabajo extracurricular e informal puede ser útil como complemento a la labor desarrollada en el aula.


Quizzes in moodle – Types of Questions

Ana Luisa Correia, Academia Militar, Portugal


Abstract: Most of the online quizzes created on the Moodle platform are with Multiple Choice and/or True/False questions. In this seminar, we intend to present other types of questions with special emphasis on “Cloze” and calculated questions type. Cloze questions combine Multiple Choice with Short Answer and Numerical Answer, so that a common question can admit several items with several types of answer. Calculated questions offer a way to create individual numerical questions by the use of wildcards that are replaced with individual numerical values when the quiz is taken, providing many versions of that question.


Un proceso de evaluación continua y cooperativa en la enseñanza universitaria no presencial en el grado de Matemáticas

Miguel Delgado Pineda, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain


Abstract: En esta comunicación se presenta la experiencia desarrollada en UNED para evaluar a los estudiantes de la asignatura de Lenguaje Matemático, Conjuntos y Números desarrollado en el curso 2020-21 con las restricciones a la movilidad debido a la pandemia del COVID 19.

En el proceso intervinieron unos 600 estudiantes de los más de 1300 matriculados, quienes valoraron muy positivamente es esfuerzo realizado en dicha experimentación.



Use of simulation-based education for levelling of students from heterogeneous backgrounds

Neila Campos González, Universidad de Cantábria (UNICAN), Spain


Abstract: Simulation-based education delivers an adequate environment for experiential learning that can be adapted to different teaching stages, as it provides the students with a deeper understanding of the mechanics behind the observed results. In an online context, the experiential learning process that is created can benefit from the synergies among them. Moreover, it’s becoming more and more common to have students from heterogeneous backgrounds, such as international students, or students enrolling in graduate courses after having taken different undergraduate courses. In these cases, simulation-based learning contributes to levelling those heterogeneous features, allowing each student adapt the learning process to their own needs without interfering with the course dynamics.


Virtual assessment and exams for maths: experiences, challenges and necessities for a new model.

María-Antonia Huertas, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain


Abstract: During the pandemic period, face-to-face universities have urgently needed to incorporate 100% online methodologies for teaching and evaluation. In the case of virtual universities, the difficulty has been mainly in the final exams, since their learning methodology was already designed for the online model. The problem of certifying the identity and authorship of students in the final tests has been common to face-to-face and virtual universities, but in online universities the search for acceptable solutions on the fly has blown up an evaluation system archaic and incongruous with virtuality. Temporary solutions have been implemented in the UOC Mathematics courses for Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications studies, which have worked with more or less success to tackle the problem, but which have revealed the existence of enormous methodological, technological and organizational challenges to get a completely online instruction. In this paper some of these virtual assessment experiences are presented, and some challenges and needs will be shown, to open a debate on a new completely virtual mathematics e-learning model that we have been able to glimpse.







Further information: here.